6:23 PM

BlackBerry Colt to be RIM's first QNX smartphone?

It was back in September 2010 that we've heard for the first time about RIM's plans to replace BlackBerry OS with QNX – its new platform that can be currently checked out on the PlayBook tablet. However, we've yet to see any QNX-based smartphone – even the latest Torch handsets still run BlackBerry OS.

So, when will RIM start to launch QNX smartphones? Well, it looks like it will happen in the first quarter of 2012. According to BGR, the first QNX smartphone is codenamed BlackBerry Colt. Reportedly, the Colt is in testing, and it features a single-core processor (which will certainly not make it a high-end device next year when it launches).

Another rumor has it that the Colt will not feature BlackBerry Enterprise Server integration, because RIM won't finish rewriting its BES code for QNX. The handset will have support for Microsoft ActiveSync “out of the box”, though.

(RIM's QNX as seen on the BlackBerry Playbook tablet)
source: Unwired View