10:18 PM

RIM purchases JayCut

It looks like RIM is focusing on improving the video capabilities of the BlackBerry PlayBook. The company has announced the acquisition of JayCut – the creators of the JayCut premier online video editor. RIM mentioned on its blog that the BlackBerry PlayBook offers premium multimedia features including dual HD video cameras for video capture and video conferencing. The acquisition of JayCut shows RIM's intention on improving the user's video editing experience on the BlackBerry PlayBook.

While it would be great to have awesome video editing apps on the BlackBerry PlayBook, I can't help feel like RIM is losing focus on its goals (especially after hearing rumors of the Cyclone). I mean right now - the PlayBook is missing basic features and relies too much on having a BlackBerry in order to function. If RIM doesn't work on making the tablet accessible to more people instead of improving features that not everybody will use, they're going to lose a lot of potential customers. It feels better if they create a great basic tablet experience, and then let third-party developers focus on all the “extras”. What do you guys think?
source: Ubergizmo