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> New BlackBerry Torch 9860, Torch 9810, Bold 9900 and Curve 9360 to be launched by Bell soon
10:21 PM
New BlackBerry Torch 9860, Torch 9810, Bold 9900 and Curve 9360 to be launched by Bell soon
First of all, we've got the officially announced BlackBerry Bold 9900, which should be released by Bell in late August. Also in late August, the carrier will likely introduce the BlackBerry Torch 9810, aka Torch 2 (featuring a sliding QWERTY keyboard, like the previous Torch model), and the BlackBerry Torch 9860 (a touch-only handset with a 3.7 inch screen).
As you can see in the image above, in September Bell will release the BlackBerry Curve 9360- the cheapest option among these four new RIM smartphones (which, by the way, will all run BlackBerry OS 7).
The Bold 9900 and the Torch 9860 should arrive at Telus, too, most probably also in August. We'll bring more details on the new BlackBerries' Canadian launch dates as soon as we have them.
source: Unwired View