4:58 PM

Pen M 609, Multimedia Tablet Anyar of Genius

Competition among manufacturers in the segment of multimedia tablet is spelled out strict. But this did not hinder the Genius to launch its newest product in the tablet segment. Product latest multimedia tablet from Genius G-Pen is called M 609.
"Our products are equipped with unique technological advantage Genius. Especially with a competitive price, this product is very affordable," said Wildan Siregar, from CV International Trading, when launching new products Genius, in Manchester United's Café, Jakarta, Friday (26 / 3 / 2010).
Latest tablet from Genius is equipped with facilities, 4000 LPI resolution and compact size 9 "x 5.5". In addition, manufacturers have designed this tablet Genius in such a way as to be able to work on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
"Our products are very reliable. In early usage, it seems no different from similar products of China are much cheaper output. But after three months, then the performance of our products will remain intact," jar Paishan Lee, Kye Systems Corp. vice president.