6:22 PM

Mini PC Adroid Relion AE530

After previously presenting the Mini PC based on Intel Atom single-core, Relion now released a mini PC or nettop Adroid AE530 using the Atom N330. This is a dual-core processor with a speed of 1.6 GHz. This processor combined with the Nvidia chipset that has ion or MCP7A teringtegrasi GeForce 9400M graphics. The combination is unique because it is usually combined with Intel's Atom chipset from Intel.
Ion chipset itself has proved to have better performance than Intel GME945 the plural we find on similar nettop. One advantage is its ability Ion Full-HD video plays smoothly. That is what explains why Adroid has an HDMI port on the rear panel. In addition to HDMI, Adroid also provides an audio output in DVI format and VGA. So any display device that you have, Adroid can serve.

Ion also has the ability relatively better graphics and can be seen from the results of 3DMark Vantage Adroid which reached number P274. This figure means Adroid can play DirectX 10 based games, though it would have to play the game keteteran if the latest. However, if compared Asrock Ion 330 chipset which also uses Ion, Adroid performance look a bit behind. This does not just apply graphical applications, but also pictures and video encoding applications.

Facilities provided nettop itself adequately spelled out. On the back side, you'll find 6 USB ports, an Ethernet port, one set of audio ports, and port PS / 2 for keyboard. While at the front, there are 2 USB ports, DVD Writer, and a memory card slot for this type of MMC, SD, and MS. Even if there are less facilities to connect to WiFi wireless networking.

Because it brings the concept of energy saving, Adroid use an adapter (not PSU) as its resources. This is an indication Adroid not need a big power like a normal PC. But with the dimensions 21x25, 8 cm and 6.5 cm thick, this device is slightly longer than the nettop that we have tested. We could save the place by placing Adroid in a vertical position, just a pity Relion not include a special holder for it.

With minimalist casing size, Adroid using optical devices such as a mini version that we usually find on a notebook. With minimal reason the place too, you just

able to upgrade to the memory and 2.5 inch SATA Hard Drive size. However, with a capacity of 250GB hard drive and 2GB of memory, you should not need to upgrade in the near future. If it must be upgraded, the process was easy thanks to its chassis design that adopts the concept of tool-less.


Thanks to the use of two-core Atom processors and chipsets Ion, Mini PC Adroid AE530 Relion suited to meet the computing needs of office functions and promote a more maximum multimedia experience. Plus a relatively affordable price (U.S. $ 450), this device can be a good solution for your home or office.

Rear panel
Port provided is complete enough for a Nettop, seen also an HDMI port to enjoy High Definition content.

Compared Asrock Ion 330HT, Adroid feels easier to use because it has a USB port and memory slot on the front panel.
