5 favorite blackberry application
1. Facebook
Now a days Facebook and blackberry can not be separate. A lot of people buy blackberry just only to update his/her facebook everyday.
Link :
2. Opera Mini
This is application browser that the most used in mobile technology. Opera Mini is very useful, because a lot of link that to heavy to open in blackberry browser and it's easier if opened by opera mini.
Link : http://mini.opera.com/mini.jad?rnd=1580561319&cert=none&edition=hifi&rel=4
3. Gmail
this is very useful for mailing list user. this is more useful than blackberry message
Link : http://m.google.com/mail/download/mail.jad?dc=gorganic&ver=2.0.6
4. Google map
This application is an alternative from blackberry map. The beneficial from google map latest version is lattitude. With lattitude we can know the place of other lattitude user.
Link : http://m.google.com/maps/download/maps.jad?dc=gorganic&ver=3.0.2
5. Viigo
With this application we can get news from all of the world. Start from CNN, ESPN, until local news. All link is rss format that can be entering to Viigo application.
Link : http://viigo.com/download