How To Set Password on a Blackberry
Of course you want your data in your blackberry is secure. You can do it, by limit the access by password. So here is the step to set password on blackberry.
Note: This step is concern Blackberry curve using AT&T.
Here is the Step:
1. Go to the "Options" menu.
2. Open the "Security Options".
3. Choose "General Settings".
4. Click the option for "Password:" the default is disabled and change it to "Enabled"
5. It will appear a new screen to Enter your password. If no screen appears, you may have already set a password for another application, (Password Keeper etc.) that is your default password.
6. Set your number of password attempts. This is how many times you can guess your password before your phone is wiped/blanked of all it's memory. So be caution.
7. Security Timeout means if you are not active on your phone for a certain period of time, it will automatically "Keyboard Lock" and you will have to enter your password.
8. Select yes or no for "Prompt on Application Install".
9. Finished.
Good Luck